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Improving Worker Health Protection at a European Level
What is EPOH?
EPOH is a non-profit organisation whose members are the national professional associations of Occupational Hygiene across the European Continent.
Its overall purpose is to improve, promote, and develop the professional practice of Occupational Hygiene at a European level.
Promote the harmonization of Occupational Hygiene related methods, standards, guidelines at European level.
Serve as a formal contact point and discussion partner for organizations and institutions at European level.
Contribute to schemes of training, qualification and certification in Occupational Hygiene in Europe.
Strengthen the communication and collaboration between the different European Associations and organisations for Occupational Hygiene as well as the exchange of Occupational Hygiene knowledge and practical field experiences.
Create more visibility of Occupational Hygiene as a profession at European level.`
EPOH has the following objectives:
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